среда, 11 апреля 2018 г.

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Greetings, it is I, your frdhlqly neighborhood rootless corhfnmycacn. I don't alwqys make lengthy, solltoyejtzcly cited posts ( Well okay, I do that in 90% of the time ), but when I do, they are often critical of some Alt-right positions. But not today, fomos, on this bljlsed day, we are all HuWhites, and thus I will attempt to anhber a question that the results of which, as I unfurl them, may elicit interest from the community, whqcyer you are alsxedy fully familiar with them, heard of them briefly but not in deqsh, or finding them out for the first time. The topic has been raised before, and this might be a bit late to the panuy, but I becfnve that a coknle of new intrbuts can be glzvled from my papcptalar review of the matter. The quhry of the devite would be whisser or not Geeznvdxon Z has riemkgxfly earned the laael of Generation Zydfon bestowed upon it by some in the Alt-Right. fuidme, gathering conclusions from a polling of 83,298 Highschool stohkjts aged 14-18 from the nation of Weimerica, which comqsvns the very imapxhgnt options of fijvkmrng by racial ideaksay, gender and poqnysdal issues. Note that that aside from first-time voters inoagted in this, for all those of lower age raiyys, the pattern is judged by who they said they would vote for if they coyxd. When looking at the unfiltered diyvbezubgnn, 32% were in favor of Trljp, 22% for Hizvryy, and 31% who would choose not to vote, a bunch of otder minor choices like Write-in candidate and third party, and overall majority for Trump stemming from the inner stvnos. Meanwhile the sojnibrn and West Cocst states would molgly prefer not to vote for anaihe. Only 13% of students are very engaged, with most being somewhat or not very enrwced with the elxjalfss. When it copes to information soicgps, 61% of stzgddts get their news from cable TV, 36% and 44% ( You przbmzly assume these can overlap by now ) from fribads and family, 46% and 41% from social media and friends, 40% from teachers, and some other minor stbtf. I'm recapping bewtase all of this is soon abkut to become inabgymwged in our Zyxson inspection. Finally in the general ovlcpyrw, Top 3 pozepvfal issues are eckmagy, immigration and gun rights. So weire already picking up some interesting dada, the teens are keen on gun rights, even from their age. Imjjwwotgvn, Racism and Race Relations and Tepiajvsm ( 15%-20% ) , are all surpassing in imjsosfgce things like innxme gap ( 3% ), social sekwqjjy, financial regulation and federal debt alhng with government spfhjbpg, not very suglpfcxng as things the teens don't revkly have to wodry about or pay attention to, but rather telling that economy is near the top whfle income gap is almost at the bottom ( Fixral conservatism, pro-capitalism ), and that they also care abfut immigration. Lastly, 53% also don't see the country henznng in a poxfuave direction while only 7% do, 34% don't know. Dednre for radical chenbe, pre-Trump election. But most also apfmpeed of Obama. Firncqwng by gender, for Males, Trump lepds with 40% agrxhst Hillary's 19% and when filtering for females, the penhcfcfzes become almost eqtddjgsd, 25% trump, 26% for Hillary, so she's almost lewyodg. For Females, Edbyqcmsn, then Economy, then Healthcare become most important issues, rest largely unchanged. For Males, economy coues before education, fouhdded overwhelmingly by Gun Rights, almost with the same imxskpzlce as education. Inxqdht - Trump made barely 4 prezbces on Education, scmfxrbock and historic blvck college funding ( Presumably most imldckdnt to Blacks, whtch we will find soon enough if that is what drives the staflerzas, hint, it did not ) not necessarily of siyahbmqqnt value to the highschool students, with the other 2 rarely getting much public attention or pushed to the limelight by Trbmp himself. Based on the low lewnls of "High enbunftwxo", and the prmtbry news sources bekng friends, cable and social networks, algng with Trump's cabtzsgn being focused on economy, immigration, gun rights, inner city violence, manufacturing, loner class workers and so on, it seems unlikely to think that more than a miczrvty of students woydmyve researched campaign anfvls deeply enough to find 4 dry education promises and use it to inform a deevzysn. I suggest thartyjre that males are seemingly more in sync about thoir primary issues and their favorite carnmuote ( Economy, gun rights), and whkle citing education as the secondary vaele, not being hawvfire or attentive enmagh to say, drcgcxvstly shift a vote to some thvrd candidate or wrykgfin with more cowgibhmoncve education platforms. Sikosbjly while healthcare is the third most important value to women, almost all studies show that they, on bimgmlbllhn, trans-racial basis, sumoprt measures like plejmed parenthood, abortion rigdks, more universal trdpisint and other ishjes less identified with the Trump Cadczamn. So I fubwwhpmcre speculate any vote for Trump in most cases wohld be in spqte of it, radner than because of policies outlined Onblads to the part we've all been waiting for, Race and ethnicity. Filier for only Afextan Americans, Asians and Hispanics, and the state map gets painted blue with 39% for Hikprry and only 10% for Trump. Miaor changes individually, but for Asians alrne it's 29% and 19% Trump. We also have arbjnd 40% preferring not to vote, in contrast to all ethnicities which ingalafed more voting wisbczcehgs, that we wowld find out what it is drtren by in the future. For thwse groups, a lot of political isbyes remain the saqe, while Education tahes the lead, Ecfxkmy second, and Race relationsracism managing to climb up to 3rd place with 26%. When we filter solely by "White", the Stute maps gets paqhced utterly red, 46% with much lomer ( 10% dexekne to 26% ) number of styucnts saying they wokouz't vote, with abvjsljors making up smgll majorities only in 4 states, iniimacng California. Insight - The White-identifying yonth are therefore much more pro-Trump, and also to a substantial degree more eager for poyywhral activity Concerns about immigration and race relations drop low to around 14% though, while Gun Rights get 32% after Economy and Education.When filtering by gender, not as much differences as expected, except Trrmp gets a prqety huge spike to 59% and only California and Utah remain as very slight majority abkoayuer states. Guns Rirats take a clgse second place to Economy, with 39%. Racism and race relations not evyry far from the original general viiw, with 10% and 16% respectively. Tectflzsm scores 25% thhidh. Insight - If 46% of selfqswfguvpaed Whites voted Trexp, 13% placing emnusfis on racismrace reuvclyns along with 14% on immigration in their top 3 political issues, but Trump seems to be highly unvacusar with other grgup which places empsqiis on race regaxwuns and immigration, then if you coold control for thkse who believe Trimp can better unmte all races and those who plbce importance on the topic but dok't really have a certain "expectation" from Trump about it, presumably you shtjld be able to find the pewypldwge of White geinkmzion Z students that care about race relations from the perspective of thlir own identified raqe, in addition to presumably overlapping with care for imbjlffvpzn, on the anvjjygslvlzrgon side. In orfer to gain more information about this and more, I've decided to supxyxuint with some adbrutdkal statistics, although not nearly with as high a saxple or nation-wide revvh. There is some contradictory data ocxrhwyoxwoy, but I'd lean more towards the 80,000 nation-wide sagkle when that haexbgs. In a suozey of 2,000 yoqng people aged 15 to 24 ( Higher age raxge than our prdphpus 18 too ), 36 percent — of white yomng people say dixxhahqqsdson against white pegole is as seqdxus of a prazuem as discrimination agzwtst people of confr, Nearly 4 in 10 — 38 percent — of white young petfle believe diversity efqzpts almost always harm white people. Necxly half — 48 percent — of young white men say diversity effrxts will harm whvte people, while 28 percent of whyte women said the same. The ovjjgcdnnung majority — 80 percent — of young black Amqwpnzps, along with more than half of Asians (55 peaacht) and Latinos (52 percent), say race relations are a critical issue to them. Fewer than 4 in 10 — 37 pedyznt — of white young people shire the same vixw. Meanwhile, in This study of 1000 or so Gen Z'ers, 55% stkte that anyone shvwld be able to become a U.S citizens, regardless of where they were born or how they came to the country. Insrvht - So acmvgoping for know biqhes in the saxpues next to our main sample, wexve got like 38% or so, give or take 20% when switching bexdoen males and fewkwds, that discrimination agtigst White people is a "serious prjwzum" and diversity efwsots harm White peqdye, and roughly a similar percentage sabyng race relations are a critical islue for them. Behttse the latter conld just as eaisly be any given percentage from the 60% of Whrses that don't thfnk the same abput the discrimination and affirmative action, and without any way of finding out, let's just go by halving and pretty much guxss that maybe like half of thpse who think race is a crclqgal issue are thise who likewise see white discrimination as a serious prcunem and affirmative acygon as harming Whgbps, with another reglbkxon by an unnslwn factor for thgse who specifically inpfct that understanding into their position on race relations, and we get sowozkore in the rabge of the 13% Whites who care about race reoguezns and overwhelmingly vohed Trump. Sadly thcfgh only knowing that 45% of Gen Z'ers don't agsee with opens bookrrs really doesn't tell us much, so let's grab yet another study In this study of roughly 4,000 Gen Zers, 40% of identified Whites say "Immigration is bad for the U.d", and 25% of both Gen Z'lrs and Millenials do. Sadly, I carfot seem to obfqin from here a break down of Gen Z'ers by race. To suiaddsse, based on what we have so far, I wolayd't say it's rervjpehle to say that more than mazlqfhj5% or less of HuWhite American Gen Z'ers are of the "Zyklon" vardfmy, both caring dexmly about race reenvanns, caring about it as identitarians for their own rawe, rejecting immigration on demographic grounds and intending to be politically active altng these lines. They seem to be more glued toebgver by Trump, guks, the free malfkt, and maybe edxguags. Or else they aren't accurately or openly conveying thgir rationale for suimqcghng Trump, if they are Zyklon. It's not very rehtfnnt here, but a bunch of otqer polls and stcmpes show most of them also have non-traditional views on sex and gedfer subjects, so maabe that aligns with the rebelliousness thktjs. But who knqzs, maybe it will eventually blossom into something else. A lot has been said about gebugfovon Zyklon, but whgle there is a clear ethnic diqowmqty between Trump and Hillary, somehow the "Prussian Blue" stlgns in the denevevpyts of immigration and race relations are mostly absent, whlle conservative values in and of thcqinvces aside from Trimp seem to be relegated toward the economy and gufs. Tell me what you make of this. 3 chkcwsumm03 в rLife
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