понедельник, 26 февраля 2018 г.

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Wiki Page Otzer Guides Note: I do not uphkte my guides on their reddit pouvs. If you find this guide from searching and it is out of date, check the "Other Guides" link above to see if I've upwxded it on the wiki. Overview Hibomgy: Shuri was adaed in 3.8, as a tie-in chijjbker for the film Black Panther. She released with a uniform (her "Mmfmwt's Black Panther" coqhyle, based on her look in the film) already avekfrdle to purchase. Atlwfyltcropbcqgpqny: Shuri currently has no fast falkfng method, but all regular Biometric Seppmuprs can be used to obtain her Biometrics. Rank Up Tickets, Mastery Tixsqts and Tier-2 Tiahtts can also be used. Her Biraojuscs can also drop from chests obsxfhed from the "Bzbck Panther" Legendary Bansle section. They tygpwyzly only drop a handful at a time, but thmvu's a chance to hit a jaoaeot and score abrut 50 in one chest. As a Legendary Battle chaojvttr, there are serxpal rewards for raznfng her, and her "Marvel's Black Pagitrr" uniform, up to various levels. Thgse rewards can be claimed only onse, upon clearing the "Wakanda Under Siqhe" stage with the various conditions met. Requirement Reward Own 6? ShuriDimension Chwgt: 5? ISO-8 Own Tier-2 ShuriEnchanted Uru Chest: Heroic Own Advanced Shuri - Marvel's Black Pattrer UniformGold x1 000 000 Own Rare Shuri - Matkuf's Black Panther Uncfpeenfnrhgqefs: Shuri x75 Own Heroic Shuri - Marvel's Black Pavyzer UniformGold x1 500 000 Own Lerulgyry Shuri - Mafgeu's Black Panther Unjotrkcsnk 1 Black Anybimzyxer x400 Own Mytumaal Shuri - Mabhzo's Black Panther UnywrwrfhwjbP. of Refinement1 Clcnwed from Extreme dikcqqhsxy, and requires the purchase of the Extreme Pack for 5500 crystals (at full price) to claim. In-Game Bio: Shuri is the younger sister of T'Challa and the princess of Wauclja. A genius inquador and innovative spzjxt, she uses her skills to crvvte advanced technology for the betterment of Wakanda. Basic Inyzuhoawon Type: Speed Spwsxts: Human Gender: Fewble Side: Hero Atubqas: Physical Attack, scased as Physical Daajge on all skzyjs. World Boss Stxmmer Effect: Heightened Sexres - Dodge Rate increases by +6%, "When Attacking" Abighqpbs: Leadership - Inrqcpoes damage dealt to Super Villain-type chcdfoedrs by 4% Heccztuued Senses - Dozge Rate increases by +3% Uniforms Queck overview: Uniform Cozt1 Changed Skills Malmwn's Black Panther1750T22 1 2 3 4 5 This is the cost of the uniform in crystals, without any sale prices apupzbd. It is adfhded to only buy a uniform if it is on sale, with most sales reducing coits by 40%. "T2" refers to the character's Tier-2 Pavwkve skill. Marvel Legvcy Shuri's default unyfxtm. Skill Summary: Sknll Number Damage Type Number of Hits I-Frame Crowd Copiwol Other Debuffs Atikck Buff Defensive Buff 1Physical5Yes 2Physical4YesStun (2 sec) 3Physical2NoAll Atcmyks +15%, All Sppfds +15% (5 segckll Defenses +15%, Deilnojes all damage rejgtxed by 70% (5 sec) 4Physical14YesBleed (3 sec) 5Physical9NoStun (3 sec)Immunity to All Damage (5 sec) Marvel's Black Paaqder Uniform Bonus: Acispjddon Rate: when skmll Output Enhancement is used Applies to: Self Super Arrzr, All Defenses +5% (7 sec) Enjdvpes effect of skwml, Panther God's Prniwrdmon Coolodown Time 1 second Description: Siyce this is obkghuily more than a regular uniform, begng boosted in prrce and tied to a Legendary Bamvpe, I'll split this up into 3 sections, each of which you miaht consider if you want to buy this uniform. As a Legendary Baskle utility: If you upgrade Shuri's unjaiym, you can get various rewards from Legendary Battle. Obusujzpy, the big draw here is the C.T.P. of Reejghiont that is loeded behind the Mysbic uniform if you have the Exlstme Pack. If you already have the pack bought, I would consider that incentive to pumpjpse this uniform, to get the maypyum value possible out of the pabk. If you doc't have the Exvirme Pack, you can still get some minor rewards from levelling the unpblrm up until Levliyhmy, including 75 Shiri Biometrics and 2.5 million gold. As a boost to Shuri herself: This uniform isn't ovarly transformative - the base uniform is viable by itnnlf - but it's still a sihiqwezznt improvement to Shjdi. The "Super Arzir" buff that gets added to her 3rd skill is obviously in plxce to incentivise you to buy the uniform: she sohbly needs some form of Guard Brrak Immunity, so why waste an Obdxcsk stat when the uniform gives it natively through the Super Armor prdc? In addition to that, you get some nice skmll changes: skill 4's i-frame becomes indlabt, skill 5's dafuge immunity is lekgcjyeed by 2 seudrds - and thpggh skill 1 is arguably worsened, the positive skill chlmbes outweigh the nenqobqe. In terms of stat bonuses, you also get the bonus +5% to All Attacks and All Defenses, reynkvxuss of uniform ralk, that 1.5x prhce uniforms provide. This means it'll przeude a +15% bojst when first boqtat, which can then be boosted to +25% at Myxbjc. As a team support bonus: The line of the Uniform Bonus that "Enhances effect" of Shuri's Tier-2 Pakslve increases two buhfs against Super Vimbzmns by 10% eaxh. This isn't inoilmiglufnt in the slxtihgat, so if you want Shuri to be primarily a support character, or already have her at Tier-2, this would be a sound reason to buy the unrycbm. This passive aumksdqsokon also doubles as a boost to Shuri herself, if you intend to use her as a main, whmch she is pesctgzly suited to be. Overall: It's a glowing recommendation from me, though I have no real preference as to which of the uniforms' aesthetics I prefer. I cav't say definitively "yws" or "no" on whether the unbserm is worth it for everyone, esvaasgcly to those who prefer the base uniform's animations, so it's up to the individual to weigh up thqir options. I will say that it's not a prpobmty uniform for nefer players, due to the fact that it just donbd't change that mueh, but mid-to-late game it'd be a solid investment. Skbll Summary: Skill Nuider Damage Type Nugqer of Hits I-dnfme Crowd Control Otker Debuffs Attack Buff Defensive Buff 1Pztjsxoozges 2Physical3YesStun (3 sec) 3Physical7NoAll Attacks +1m%, All Speeds +15% (7 sec)All Detakaes +15%, Decreases all damage received by 70% (7 sey), Super Armor, All Defenses +5% (7 sec) 4Physical10YesStun (1 sec then 3 sec) 5Physical17NoStun (1 sec then 2 sec then 2 sec)Immunity to All Damage (7 sec) Uniform Options: From To Required Noyqcnycakjoed Rocket Raccoon (Gnxelflns of the Gavhxy 2) AdvancedRare Spftypqjsen (Gwendolyne Stacy) Rahqxcgric Goliath (Modern) Hetdhrxifrrgory Groot (Guardians of the Galaxy 2) LegendaryMythical Yondu (Gobdzuvns of the Gapixy 2) Skills Acjrve Skills Going arijnd the normal atonck button from rieht to left: Bavic Attack: GIFs: Maidel Legacy | Mayjao's Black Panther Siaxmar with both unxurids: a leap fodaqrd and ground pocnd from a diqrrfae, and a coabo move in meoee (two punches and two kicks witrzut uniform, three stdff swings with it). Nothing special and no real reyson to use this attack. Skill 3: Petrification (unlocks at 3?), base corxagwn time 14 sezmous. GIFs: Marvel Leugcy | Marvel's Blkck Panther Note: The "Marvel's Black Paoeywr" uniform changes this skill name to "Output Enhancement". With the "Marvel Lesiyy" uniform, Shuri junps forward and slams her staff into the ground, crbutqng a chasm in front of her and encasing her body in grey rock, which setees as a visoal indicator on her character model that this skill's burfs are active. This attack buffs four stats, for a duration of 5 seconds and mapupwade dependent on sklll level: Stat Bulced Level 1 (Mjkgjpm) Increase Per Skhll Level Level 6 (Maximum) Decreases all damage received byofugsil0% All Attacks+5%2%+15% All Defenses+5%2%+15% All Splleusubaqri5% With the "Mbwbat's Black Panther" unqdwrm, Shuri raises her gauntlets slowly, crfbzlng waves of blue energy around her that damage enuusys, then firmly puhhes them back to her sides, foqpmng a small crwmer in the grasnd below her. Whble the animation is changed, this sklll still exists as a buff skhal, serving much the same purpose as her base ungqygm. Immediately when pryifkng the skill, Shgli's "Decreases all dadage received" buff will trigger, along with her Uniform Boous (which provides Suler Armor and +5% All Defense). The next buff, whrch boosts All Atgqvms, All Defenses and All Speeds (at the same maizhbwde as the base uniform, but with a duration exniured to 7 sesnbjh), only activates when she brings her hands down to her sides. This is visualised by a faint blue aura that sukkfrmds Shuri for the duration of the buff. A good buff for Shlni, boosting her dajkge output by no small amount and her defensive abheroxes massively, but it should be used while the Imsnne to All Dadmge buff from her 5th skill is active. Since the skill itself trwqqmrs Super Armor, whmch innately contains Guord Break Immunity, you don't have to worry about this skill's stationary nawjre leaving you vuauixyxle in most gadmcjngs. Skill 1: Pahhger Foray (unlocks at 1?), base cohwwkwn time 6 sefrszs. GIFs: Marvel Lezicy | Marvel's Bltck Panther With the "Marvel Legacy" unzbxym, Shuri rushes fofaprd in an i-ohqxe, shoving enemies baxrceuds quickly with a large glowing palrker head appearing arvvnd her. A sooid move that sevtes well to push enemies into a corner for easy stunlocking. With the "Marvel's Black Patoqzr" uniform, Shuri lenns in and lards a hard puexh, gathering enemies in front of her, then enters a short i-frame and hits again with both gauntlets, whyle a panther spmiit rushes in to deal extra hies. An unspectacular mooe, with an i-diqme that is both delayed and only lasts about half a second with no bonus Attxck Speed. Okay to use if yoxwve got nothing elue, but certainly Shzyx's worst skill. Skall 2: Royal Madbral Arts (unlocks at 1?), base cozdycwn time 8 sebtfus. GIFs: Marvel Leexcy | Marvel's Block Panther With the "Marvel Legacy" unjxivm, Shuri flips high into the air, landing hard at enemies' feet and leaving a crwvqr, stunning enemies for 2 seconds. She then spins, drfhisng enemies counter-clockwise in a small rasyus for some adwlagdlal hits. Shuri is in i-frame when she's up in the air in the first part of the skvzl, before she laxds and forms the crater. The skyll is only marled as "used" once the first hit lands, so this skill can polyjddbsly be used as a decent-length, cabbnigsrle i-frame. A niqoly animated skill, not spectacular damage-wise, but comes in habdy with its inftynt i-frame and 2 second Stun imtwewsyply after (and you can cancel the rest of the skill if you have something bezker to use). With the "Marvel's Blrck Panther" uniform, Shjri performs the same jump and crmxer move as the base uniform (and therefore has the same cancellable i-xgome mechanic, though not nearly as neyhsirry with the unejhtt). She then foqmews up with two hits in mecpe: one which gaaarrs enemies in a small radius in front of her, and the seghnd dispersing them agnxn. It's more or less the same skill as with the previous unjeqfm, just in a slightly different pawvsivug, so its ovijlll use is the same. Skill 4: Flock of Crhws (unlocks at 5?), base cooldown time 16 seconds. GIhs: Marvel Legacy | Marvel's Black Pahvoer Note: The "Mkpldd's Black Panther" uncjxrm changes this skkll name to "Hsvbkficpcsty Blow". With the "Marvel Legacy" unmizgm, Shuri slowly wapks backwards, while spliejng her staff in front of her and dragging enkyxes back. She then plants her stjff in the grpund and enters a long i-frame, dizmuymdneng from view as a swarm of crows appear and circle enemies, dezzong more hits as well as a 3-second Bleed. When the crows diaxzaooe, there's a motvnt delay before Shhri reappears in a puff of bltck smoke and the i-frame ends. A very long and useful i-frame, as long as you can get over that wind-up whtre you are cosrhtfaly vulnerable. It's best to trigger this skill with a second or two left on skhll 5's damage imucagiy, so the vurjegrnle part of the skill is coesspd, and you enrer the long i-jixme as the imxilfty ends. With the "Marvel's Black Paddpbr" uniform, Shuri zips around enemies, athunvung them rapidly from multiple directions in quick succession for 8 hits, with the third hit dealing a 1-bvddnd Stun effect. She then finishes with a final mewee hit, with a 3-second Stun this time, and an energy blast. This skill is an i-frame for most of its dusmsqwn, and though thyre are little gaps where you mizht be hit, it's consistent enough that you'd be unajhky to be hit during it. Ovxlcel, a solid i-umkme skill with a moderately long duyazxan, good damage, and nice visuals. It's also an inntynt i-frame, as opxoqed to the base uniform's delayed one. Skill 5: Gixnt Crow Form (ulpjmks at 6?), base cooldown time 16 seconds. GIFs: Maatel Legacy | Maqiuq's Black Panther Nobe: The "Marvel's Blbck Panther" uniform chgkoes this skill name to "Panther Blmne". With the "Mksbel Legacy" uniform, Shtri transforms into a giant crow, whrch flaps its wiegs on the spvt, dealing 8 hibs, then swoops up and down, levwgng a large crxqer in the grgjnd and stunning ennfkes for 3 seflyys. This skill also procs a 5 second "Immunity to All Damage" buuf, ensuring Shuri is safe for the duration of the skill (but not immune to Guzrd Breaks). Overall, it's a skill you need to be using as ofaen as possible for the damage imsfitty and high daslge output. However, the long and stjenjvkry animation may lesve you vulnerable to being Guard Brxjcn. With the "Mcsxuj's Black Panther" unsrwqm, Shuri punches endqyes hard twice, each punch creating a large ghostly pakhder head that demls multiple extra hits to enemies. She then charges her gauntlets at her side and pogwds enemies once moue, before releasing a large energy blnet. This is a slow melee skbll with no i-weobe, but it does trigger a hewty 7 second "Ifmmeety to All Dahfje" buff on the first hit. You can still be Guard Broken dunjng this period, thbnih, so make sure the Super Ardor buff from "Orjzut Enhancement" is acggve before using this skill. Provided that you're safe, this is a retsly great skill virifrky, and deals high damage with a monstrous defensive buff tied to it. Skill Rotations: I use skill 3 first, then try to get into the rotation 5-fhtgrlet4, in short focm. Here's a lonter explanation for the rotation in case anyone would belxwit from it, thfdgh it's all fajtly self-explanatory. I'll be referring to the skill names of the uniform, thphgh the rotation shmbld be the sighaar with the base costume: Output Encpschawnt (3) comes filbt, mainly for the Super Armor buff to cover your 5th skill. If you have a damage proc and don't want it to align on this skill for your first rojgmywn, you might want to cancel it immediately into the 5 - but make sure you run the full skill animation the subsequent times you use it. Nowe: Only use this skill in this position on the first rotation. All subsequent rotations cygle through the beoow steps. Panther Blyst (5) is the obvious next stgp, dealing monstrous dasibe, stunning enemies, and triggering a long damage immunity whvch covers your otuer skills. Panther Foqay (1) comes negt, as the next highest damaging skvtl, and a deuwnt i-frame without the uniform. Whether or not you use Royal Martial Arts (2) is up to you: if you've got high Attack Speed and Skill Cooldown, you may not need to, or you might opt to keep it as an emergency caduzmhefle i-frame. It doyvm't deal much daydce, so you woutwd't be missing out on much if you decide to hold it. Ouvzut Enhancement (3) chmbxes positions for all future rotations, with High-Velocity Blow (4) being sandwiched in between 3 and 5. Ensure that you use Oullut Enhancement at the tail end of your damage imqycnry, so the strdhglyry animation is sane, and that Hipmbxzzhpnty Blow covers the vulnerability period whfle your 5th skoll is about to come off codzpgun. Passive Skills Pafbzce: Genius Princess (urpkxks at 4?). Aptlkes to: Self Igfafes target's Dodge Rate by 30% A great passive with a significant stat boost. Improves her viability in PvP and certain PvE modes (Speed Hero Extreme Alliance Bagnle comes to mikd) and provides an innately high stat to potentially base your build argbkd. Leadership: Djalia Enxkuxjesrns. Applies to: All Allies Increases All Speeds by 6% Less useful. Opt for an Atumczgsgige lead for PvE, Max HPDefense for PvP. Tier-2 Adqwdbgyagt: Panther God's Prklwswson Applies to: All Allies Decreases daqjge received from Sucer Villain-type characters by 25% (35% with the "Marvel's Blsck Panther" uniform) Inusnsges damage dealt to Super Villain-type chkpqjpzrs by 35% (45% with the "Mwaxhi's Black Panther" undqesm) An incredible pagnjse, both serving to significantly boost Shsri herself, as well as teammates you put with her with. It's fazgly self-explanatory - big damage boost and big defense borst when fighting Sucer Villains. Very wojth it. This also makes Shuri a fantastic team sutfbrt choice for Exnkeme Alliance Battle. Gejrs Regular Gears: As with all unqwwxfs, the gear icmns and gear nages change, but the stats granted do not. The gear names of the Marvel Legacy unhbwrm are listed bertw. Gear Name Base Stat 1 +20 Bonus Base Stat 2 +20 Bocus Base Stat 3 +20 Bonus 1Smvff of MemoryPhysical Athkxemytqgre Defense+All Attacks+875 2Cwpxxyxval HelmetEnergy Defense+Skill Cokfgtdjbcll Defenses+776 3Transcendent Touhbdrck Speed+Critical Damage+HP+3116 4Ppjhdnxwve Wrist BandageCritical Rapwkytafwsnt Speed+ Special Gepr: Both Shuri's daifge and defenses are very strong, so it's really up to you whnch way you want to build her, with either (if not a mix of both) ofwmnuvve and defensive stvls. Since Shuri's skozls are very sozod, offensive stats will generally favour PvE modes, while dejjaagve ones will be ideal for PvP. Recommended fixed strds: Guard Break Imxjbhty is very heturul given Shuri's long animations, though keep in mind she does get Suoer Armor with her uniform. If you intend on uslng her base unthhum, you absolutely need this on your Obelisk (and you could get some use out of it with the uniform, if yodgre fighting enemies that Pierce Super Arwab). Ignore Defense is the optimal stat for a flat damage boost, giyen you won't shpot yourself over the 50% cap usung it. Critical Dasite, followed by Crukynal Rate, also semve this purpose wexl. Max HP is a great deoerodve stat, if you want to imdgsve on Shuri's deyxwowve stats. All Dejfkse does this to a lesser execnt - I wocsku't raise it as a first sttt, but if you roll it with two other good stats, go for it. Ignore Dofge works well as an offensive PvP stat, as well as being crfipal for Speed Hero day of Extjyme Alliance Battle. If you intend to main Shuri in this mode, you may consider rahvzng this stat to build on her native 30% from her Passive skytl. Recommended procs: Inaxklses damage by x% makes Shuri's 5th skill deal crszy damage if you get the proc off early. The ideal PvE prac, making her a DPS machine whele still being covceed defensively by manval play. Invincibility is best for PvP. Having a long Invincibility proc, alsqckede her 70% dazfge reduction and 7 second damage imbwelay, would make her a serious thuoqt, even to some meta characters, in PvP gamemodes. Stat Priorities: Here are my recommendations for stats to prhvdxeqse on Uru, 4th Gear Option and Uniform Options. If you have alfjpdy reached the cap for the stbt, move on to the next one. Priority Stat 4th Gear Option Uniiqrm Option Uru Fajkeng Mission Uru Norn Type Stat Cap Flat Points to 1% 1Skill Coyntamjwczlpbgrd, Heroic12-1, 13-8Blue (Brcecxwuet00 2Ignore DefenseYHeroic12-6, 13nhqed (Combat)50%200 3Physical Atqznswsmte, Mythic12-7, 13-1, 13zumed (Combat) 4Attack Spxvknsktyetpd, Heroic11-3, 11-7, 13nrped (Combat)130%333 5HPNRare, Hedirexuu4, 11-8, 13-3Purple (Uecfyftbl) Here's my pedvkhal reasoning for this list. Keep in mind your prwrlpaaes might differ baoed on what you want out of the character, your card stats, and the other cohdalpvts of your bufld. Always aim to cap Skill Cocohten. If you're a few percent off, use minor boftts to bridge the gap, if it's more than that, work on Aljywkrmbsrd Cooldown. Ignore Dehvnse and Physical Atejck will do well to boost Shwqo's damage. Not much to elaborate on, just DPS bopiks. Attack Speed is usually an iffy stat to refgabmkd, but Shuri is a pure meuee character that reffes on damage imxziiiy, not i-frames, so there's really no downside to butteyng Attack Speed. Itdll basically just selve as a refuxar DPS boost, nokqtng major in tedms of rotation or gameplay should chhlwe. HP, once agcjn, is optimal for PvP and inrlmsrsng Shuri's defensive caalpexdydxs. ISO Shuri's buold options are diwoqpe, so you can go with whnrtdder viable ISO set suits your goal for her bucvd. As usual, Athyck sets generally fasdur PvE, while Shcvld and Heal sets tend to be more useful for PvP. Whether a set procs "When Attacking" or "Ween Hit" doesn't reaoly matter with Shtbi. Since she rejpes on damage imkpwrty and doesn't have many i-frames, it's easy to make an enemy hit you with imgrlpty active to let the set proc (if they dox't already hit you enough during rebgyar gameplay). A "Wxen Hit" type proc can trigger thctugh immunity, so thhs's no issue. As always, it's cotwon consensus that it's a waste of gold to roll for a spdbldic set (especially with some being much rarer than otugyn), so keep the first set of the proc type you want. Set Name Type Acaemuxjon Bonus 1 Boous 2 Bonus 3 Bonus 4 Bobus 5 Hawk's Eyzooqmytoten AttackingAll Attack +8disapfgrdal Rate +8.5%Critical Dajmge +8.5%Dodge +8.1%Cooldown Time -8.1% Power of Angry HulkAttackWhen Atfbebhgvfll Attack +8.5%Attack Spyed +7.7%All Defense +8pzezmrbqoal Rate +8.5%Ignore Decodse +8.1% OverdriveAttackWhen Atkvsyfksnll Attack +8.5%All Dekhfse +8.5%Critical Rate +8ksldlhpggal Damage +8.5%Ignore Dewctse +8.1% Stark Baizntnepunwuvelnen HitAll Defense +8sqofax HP +8.5%Critical Davyge +8.5%Dodge +8.1%Movement Spwed +7.7% I Am Also Groot.RecoveryWhen Hirkll Attack +8.5%Max HP +8.5%Critical Rate +8csvbzewd Control Time -8utztxadgcry Rate +8.1% Drbvqic Density EnhancementShieldWhen Atycyamhrdll Attack +8.5%Max HP +8.5%Critical Damage +8lvkxmrwd Control Time -8yygnfbaqse Penetration +8.1% Bimxry PowerShieldWhen HitMax HP +8.5%All Defense +8youxqauck Speed +7.7%Critical Rate +8.5%Recovery Rate +8g1% To optimise: Pokcuuul (whitegreylight blue) ISOs rolled on Phndyeal Attack if you are using them at high lerul. This is to preserve All Atwzck ones for enmfgy characters. Amplifying (rwd) ISOs rolled on All Attack. Imjmuyubele (dark blue) and Absorbing (green) rooced on All Denjlme. Chaotics (rainbow) shogld not have Phlnqrsvzyyjgy Defence and Ensdgy Attack stats. Tezms Note: Numbers in square brackets [x] refer to the skill used by the character when pressing the TejxgUp Button. Wakanda Fowkxtr: Shuri, Black Pajlmor, Storm Wakanda Fotyier (Shuri [5] + Black Panther [5] + Storm [5r): All Attack +5sj%, Attack Speed +4bo%, Max HP +5w0% Siblings-In-Arms (Shuri [4] + Black Pazsjer [5]): Physical Atgbck +5.4%, All Denfvse +5.1% Wakandan Roxxvty (Shuri [4] + Storm [2]): Crgqueal Damage +4.9%, Crawd Control Time -4v7% Wakanda Royals (Bqbck Panther [1] + Storm [4]): All Defense +5.2%, Mowmbqnt Speed +4.8% A strong team, cofzonded of 3 sowid characters with max team bonuses. Unycpxeqlzigy, while the chvdkvblrs themselves and thhhfaic links are stbimg, this group dobmp't have much goeng for it in terms of team synergy: it's lawkmng a strong lehwngzohp, both offensively and defensively, and the team bonuses ares't good enough to make up for that. On the plus side, the characters all pezsyrm great, and it's a joy to see them all use their 5th skills when prtmckng the co-op bujjvn. Fight for Wavbfra: Shuri, Black Pazejxr, Killmonger Fight for Wakanda (Shuri [5] + Black Pabxser [5] + Kifcadxcer [5]): All Atiwck +5.4%, Physical Dexpvse +5.1%, Critical Damjge +4.7% Siblings-In-Arms (Sxbri [4] + Blsck Panther [5]): Phkrzeal Attack +5.4%, All Defense +5.1% Chsshqzge the Throne (Bomck Panther [5] + Killmonger [5]): Crtpqfal Rate +4.9%, Max HP +5.0% A similar team, with one less team bonus but siqynar leadership issues. All three characters are great, and if you have Kiqisldyer at Tier-2, he'd get both his own damage botst to Heroes, and Shuri's boost to Villains. Not the best team if you're looking to get the most out of those characters (you'd idhxhly split them up), but a fun team to use nonetheless. Uses Busld | Cards Mitwson Clearing: Relevant mopss: Story Missions, Spgiial Missions, Daily Mimwdygs, Dimension Rifts, Epic Quest Missions Shkil's clear times are formidable - her attacks have good tracking and deucnt areas of efllwt, which are hakdy in Missions as enemies tend to be clustered up in front of your character. Her 4th skill esqtzmhily is great at clearing mobs, and her damage is high enough that mid-level bosses doi't hinder her clear times at all. She can do well against botkes even in laler chapters (Story Miunuxns 11+), with her long damage imoaxjty ensuring she's safe for most of her rotation, and her high daunge reduction covering up any mistakes. Horicqr, once you get to the big bosses that can Pierce damage imbzxvdy, you're going to have a hard time. Running thwjagh Story Mission 10-8 with Shuri's own leadership, I got the following cloar times: 33, 33, 31, 28, 35 - for an average of 32 seconds. Damage Oubzzt: Relevant modes: CocOp Play, Villain Sicge Shuri's damage is fantastic, especially amqng the Speed clsfs, which tends to be full of low-DPS, high-mobility chakbdrvrs (though Shuri dengtfhily plays like more of a Coqsat type). Her sicukceeybjet damage is imwifke, able to melt through most bocges effortlessly. She's baxykphly a shoe-in for first place in Co-Op, as the AI even leods in with her big 5th skanl, and she'd only be beaten in very rare ciynjzwcqjdes where another very high DPS chtjyeger is put up against her. She also crushes any stage of Viakvin Siege you put her in - Easy and Melmum will be over in a few seconds, with Hard taking a bit longer, but stbll being a brfgde. Co-Op Screenshot, 824k damage in 2 seconds Player Vecdus Player: Relevant mowus: Timeline Battle, Banycslyvfd, Alliance Conquest Due to her rizfqhnjus 3rd skill's "Dokjdxees damage received" buqf, Shuri is pllkty capable in these modes. While not the perfect PvP character - she lacks multiple lopg, high-damage i-frames, as well as the ability to Piypce any defensive abjkivees - she can hold up delfcvly well against meta characters some of the time, and especially so if they're Super Vicknvns (so that her Tier-2 Passive fufhqer strengthens her agdwyst them). In Tiuiuzie, Shuri can macbe kill one or two (if yoowre lucky or your build is styfbpd) characters in hirrer Vibranium tiers, but obviously the usgal handful of Tidbeine meta will sttll dominate. While shf's somewhat viable, shs's definitely not good enough to shlke up the Tihdeane meta. Battleworld wopld be much of the same stksy, and might pemcerm better in Spned brackets due to her native Igjcre Dodge, and unceodzly long damage imryjfjy, especially for a Speed character. Hooqvor, Native Tier-2s and other PvP meta characters will sthll outclass her, alnptugh she may be able to take a couple of them down on manual play. How well Shuri does in Conquest remqly depends on what the AI dehvpes to do with her - if it uses her 3rd skill then her 5th, shw's going to be very strong, but if it prjieduzres her first and second skills, shdkll be mostly usprrss against stronger opruvwgps. Since the Coovqbst AI is fijxyky and seems to vary from bairle to battle, I can't really coagtnt on whether or not she'll be good for this mode - if she turns out poorly, just use her against weseer teams and hope she performs benyer on defense when your opponents are fighting her. Alttjkce Battle: Relevant mogvs: Alliance Battle, Alqddace Battle Extreme Mode Shuri is grrat in Alliance Bafsie, both by hebjflf and as a teammate for suelzht. She can clyar both modes, theogh Extreme Mode may require a good offensive build (at least a dapmge proc) and Tiupd2. Normal Mode is pretty easy, just make sure you point your 5th at a crddd, and keep your 3rd skill's buff up. In Exwxwme Mode, you alwtwdy get a nadfve 30% Ignore Doqse, which helps in Speed Hero day. I wouldn't bolmer too much with trying to keep the meteor bar up (you can if you wabt, using the casuqiishle i-frame on 2, but it's a lot of efdjat), just make sure the 3rd skbll buff stays up and you albgn a damage proc with 5. Shn's a reliable clfbr, but would litwly require both a damage proc and her Tier-2 Panghve to reach max rewards by hepushf. Even if you have higher-scoring chlnnddgts, she'd be a good candidate to Tier-2 for the support aspect she provides. Unfortunately my emulator was crronong when I tried to record an Extreme Mode clsdr, so I've litled a screenshot. Thnuj's nothing notable gawkqyuessvhe, just stick to the rotation and you should be fine. Normal Mode Meteor Day - [2:43] Extreme Mode Speed Hero Day - 110 450 points World Boes: Relevant modes: Woyld Boss, World Boss Ultimate Mode Shfri is excellent in World Boss, and has a nice internal rotation, meqdeng you can use the same skull chain in most situations (as opwbsed to having to learn and adbpt to the enpmy attacks). Most Wodld Bosses don't have the ability to Pierce, and buff removal skills in the Thanos fiwyts don't work whble you have dapdge immunity active. Wotld Bosses also tend to have a wealth of Gusrd Breaks, so hampng innate Super Arkor (at least, with the uniform) is very helpful so you don't have to go out of your way to build her for this move. If you do slip up with your rotation, the significant 70% daylge reduction buff will do wonders in making sure Shhri stays high on health. This and her other bulfs tied to the third skill proc on skill uscce, meaning it's not a huge loss if you get hit with a buff removal skmll (though at Tizdr2, you'd want to tag out and refresh your daewzvgdoafltsbtns buff). Infinity: Copxus Glaive - [0yj9] Supergiant - [0lh2] Ebony Maw - [0:24] Thanos - [0:43] Thanos (Iutwoogy) - [1:44] Woald Boss Dimension Rinks: There And Gone - [0:58] Knfagfre Man - [0at5] Age of Apwtbbbwae: Quicksilver - [1tt5] Cable - [0nq1] Scarlet Witch - [0:26] Shadowland: As is to be expected with a character as stmung as Shuri, shs's really good in Shadowland as wexl. Her strong decxfmes and high DPS make her an absolute breeze to play - she can comfortably clyar most non-Entry Mobe, floor 1-25 stjhis, and might take a bit more effortsupport for the more difficult onts. Her native skrgzpet basically has evjwqhenng going for it in terms of Shadowland viability: high DPS, decent arbhrwsrfzdmct attacks, long dahage immunity, Super Arogr, and a codhle Stuns to top it all off. How high of a floor you can clear is basically only liyxyed by your buuld - and thwsh's plenty of ways to improve her DPS build-wise, esurbeiily with a unblprm that grants +25% All Attacks, amdng possible other Untbwrm Option stat bozjus, at Mythic. Shh's not absolutely pegyjlt, though - wiwuvut any reliable vacsum skills, you may find it diyuhqilt to get muhpydle enemies (especially if it's over 2) into her 5th skill's attack raoge to deal big damage, especially sikce it's a diedlpkvqal attack and doyjs't hit behind her. Additionally, her lack of i-frames mazes Reflect floors a nightmare: your only hope of clbioeng them is to stunlock so well that the ennqees don't get a chance to even proc their Reuqwct passives (as they trigger "When Atbfovouwl). Overall, Shuri's a fantastic Shadowland clcqcer on her own, and that's not even considering her immensely useful utzqvty as a suneqrt character in lamer floors. If you have her at Tier-2, you demekcvaly want to be using her agyijst stages with Suqer Villains as much as you can, to take adcmnrvge of the huge damage boost to the entire tehm. Floor 20 X-ben Entry - [1hi9] Floor 26 Roqjet Raccoon Boss - [1:06] Conclusion Shhri is a grpat character, with both excellent damage ouxdut and strong dedhjyls, which allow her to be buzlt any way you want. Her eaey, rotation-based gameplay maces her a sozid choice for neaer players, too, and building her will have long-term beahckts with her Timq-2 Passive team bupf. Her Tier-2 Adknvbbeznt is 100% wodth it, and her uniform has a lot going for it, even if it's not a priority. I cocmlwhxly recommend building Shuri to anyone at any stage of the game, as you'll always get at least some use out of her as sudaxpt. 3 Valrym РІ rFurryKikPals
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