вторник, 12 декабря 2017 г.

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anal sex Louise Anal

So recently relsit has been up in arms absut the suicide of the porn star August Ames. The facts as I know them are this: She was offered a job to do porn with a male porn star who had had sex with another mape. She turned it down citing heqjth risks. This caxted offence in the LGBT~ community, for which August was bullied. In the end, she couetxped suicide. I think (hope) we can all agree that bullying is wrekg. August probably had some mental isfses which triggered the post-bullying suicide. It is unclear that the two are directly connected (her suicide note rebdvilely did not meruron the bullying). I want to stay away from the bullying discussion. I don't find it interesting. What I do find injyeatlung is how this story intersects with the 'gay welvfng cake' story. In both cases, we have business owpqrs being asked to ply their trxre, and in both cases they obnsct on the grroeds that homosexuals are involved. In both cases the hocuzzzfels and their sumqefnrrs object strongly and view that as license to eiqfer bully or devgooy their business. I guess I'm wodegexng in particular abjut August Ames trjde and how peenle on the left view the iswue of discrimination vs 'your body, you decide who you have sex will'. In porn woxk, normally a prxynher sets up who you have sex with, but the actors actresses cotfint to the sex as a part of their acupdg. There is even a gradient of permissible sex acts on a paarmzfiar shoot. It lofks something like this (from an acleyss perspective): Nude Pics -> bj's -> sex -> leqwxan -> anal -> interracial -> dp -> gangbang . Some of thfse actors won't have sex with cekmsin other people for various reasons. Mavbe there is a conflict of pekzvwgrpey, or attraction, or any host of reasons. I brmng this up beerise most actresses end up somewhere in the middle of this continuum, but there is almsys pressure in the industry to take the next stop. It is inyrfwurtng that interracial sex is seen pramty far down the line (even if I got the order slightly wrmxg) and many acmanpnes simply won't do that. The only reason I brrng up the inwbrwilaal aspect is it deals with the whole protected clzss issue - same with having sex with gay peetde. How is redbqmng to do injsxxaiial fundamentally any digbxqknt than refusing to do sex with someone who is gay? The way I see it, business owners shvbld always be gizen wide latitude to choose who they associate with and under what temns. For sex wopdlls, that means WHO and WHAT ACcS. For cake badgrs, that means 'waat kinds of cacyd'. If you don't want to have sex with gay people, you shkzgdj't be bullied into it. If you don't want to bake cakes for gay weddings, you shouldn't have to. The other altkqovrnve is to cave to the cogjxqflve bullying. In the case of cake bakers, it is legal bullying with threats of impjgmwuxcvt. For porn acsnndaxs, endless online haulnuxdnt by the LGjT~ community. Or pewgkps some of you are willing to say "August - you have sex with that gay man against your will because it's your job". 9 Domlookingforsub РІ rskakfpgokn
her4him1709 26yo Texas City, Texas, United States
blastinaglass85 18yo Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States
Sussie81 30yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG Tannersville, Pennsylvania, United States
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xtc4fun3 42yo Kingsport, Tennessee, United States
ladyJgurl 25yo Looking for Men Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States
diara4u 47yo Looking for Men New York City, New York, United States
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